1st Gluten-free Expo:
For my first gluten-free expo I got to spend time helping out at a gluten-free teens table. Even though this was my first expo I've ever gone too, I really thought I would enjoy helping out with the expo instead of just attending I had a great time being able to meet tons of new people and share experiences that I have never really shared before. I really enjoyed being able to just be apart of it and be able to help out any way I could. I also finally got to meet Chrissy after a long time of just connecting through twitter which was awesome and something I'd been looking forward to for a while. There's so much I learned and gained from this one experience that will definitely help me out as I continue to go to more expos in the future.
Events and Plans for the future:
What I want to do very soon is start traveling to gluten-free expos all around the U.S. to get involved with public speaking. I really want to be able to meet tons of extraordinary people and share my story to just help and inspire others on a gluten-free diet. I have so much I could share and think with my age and my story I could really give a positive outlook for those living gluten-free and be a role model for teens all around the U.S. Gluten-free Expos in California is what I hope to target most but I will keep you all updated if I do so. Even having something as simple as a booth at these bigger expos for my blog is something I really hope to do this year. I hopefully plan to start going to more expos by this Summer and Fall, not just as an attendee but someone to contribute to each event in some way. There are so many things I'm hoping and planning to do this year, but all I can look to now is use this Expo as a great first experience to learn from. Hope to be meet some of you in the future!
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