
This recipe is awesome for any morning during October or November. The best part is that it's extremely easy to make and it's gluten-free! You only need 5 ingredients which makes it even better. This is definitely a recipe you should try!

If there's anything that's better than pancakes to me, then it might be crepes. This recipe uses a little more ingredients than the pumpkin pancake recipe above. However, the ingredients are simple and the recipe is very easy to make! If you want to have something special and gluten-free for Halloween in the morning, then this is definitely a great recipe to try out!
Recipe on Mom What's For Dinner: Click Here!

This recipe comes from Brittany over at Real Sustenance! Her recipes are some of my favorite since they are so easy to make and they are amazing too. This is one example of the many gluten-free pumpkin recipes she has and it can probably be used as a dessert or snack too. The ingredients are simple and the recipe is easy. It's also paleo as well which might be even better for a lot of you.
Recipe on Real Sustenance: Click Here!
Mini Stuffed Gluten-Free Halloween Peppers
This is probably a recipe that takes a little more work and skill. It isn't too hard to do but if you are planning on having a party or you want to make a fun and healthy treat for your kid, then this is definitely the recipe that you want to try!
Recipe on Go Dairy Free: Click Here!
Pumpkin butter can really be used for a bunch of different things! I have never had it before but I'd imagine it would be very good on gluten-free breads or toast or even on tons of different fruit as well! This recipe is extremely easy to make and is one that needs very few ingredients. It can be used for so many things and it would be great to set out as a dip for a Halloween party too.
Recipe on Jules Gluten Free: Click Here!
This pumpkin bread recipe is by far my favorite one I've ever made. You honestly wouldn't know it was gluten-free if someone didn't tell you. It's extremely easy to make and it's dairy free as well which is great for a lot of people. It's the best gluten-free pumpkin bread recipe I've made and I really recommend you try it too. Give it a try and I guarantee you will love it.
Recipe on GlutenAway: Click Here!

This is such a great idea that can be used for a lot of different things. If you are looking for some healthy and tasty Halloween treats to give to your kids instead of candy then this is perfect! It only needs 4 ingredients and is pretty much 100% allergy friendly if the right butter is used. This is a great healthier alternative to candy and I'm sure it would be great for your kids or to give out at a party.
Recipe on Martha Stewert: Click Here!
Fun Halloween Themed Treats:
Ghost Bananas and Pumpkin Oranges
This is by far one of my favorite ideas I found! If you want to try and make healthy eating for your kids fun then this is perfect. All you do is get oranges and chopped up celery to make the pumpkins as shown in the picture. For the bananas all you would do is cut a banana in half and use little chocolate chips to make faces. Extremely cheap and extremely simple to do. Not to mention it might be a healthy alternative to all the candy kids would be getting on Halloween instead!
Halloween Themed Orange Fruit Cup
Another fun and easy way to make eating healthy on Halloween fun! What you will need for this is some oranges as well as the fruit of your choice like apples, strawberries, pineapple, etc. This takes a little more work to prepare but would pay off big in the end after you complete it. There are step by step instructions through the link that make it very easy to figure out and make!
Recipe on Mom What's For Dinner: Click Here!

I know candy corn is one candy we cannot have while being gluten-free. That's why I thought this would be a great recipe to share with you all since it kind of is a fun way to have candy corn. It's very simple and only needs 3 ingredients but the only thing is that it is not dairy free because of the whipped cream. However you can make your own Dairy Free Whipped Cream and use it for this recipe if you want to get creative!
Recipe on Family Fresh Meals: Click Here!
Vegan Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie (Dairy and Egg Free)
I had to start off the dessert section with pumpkin pie of course. I searched for a long time on the internet and came across tons of complicated gluten-free pumpkin pie recipes that just looked like too much work. This was the best one I found and it's vegan as well which is amazing! Definitely check this recipe out.
Recipe on Around My Family Table: Click Here!
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Squares (These are my favorite)
This recipe has by far been my most popular recipe on my blog year round. It is an incredible recipe I came up with where you honestly wouldn't know it was gluten-free if someone didn't tell you. They have great texture and are very soft and fluffy. If I would recommend any recipe on here I would definitely recommend these because they are easy to make and just amazing. They are also dairy free as well and can be made multiple ways!
Recipe on GlutenAway: Click Here!
Soft Gluten-Free Pumpkin Cookies (Also Vegan)
There are tons of gluten-free pumpkin cookie recipes you can find out there. A lot of them are very different from each other so it all depends on your taste for what you like. I'm the type of person that enjoys big soft cookies which is why I choose this recipe to share with you. It's easy, gluten-free, and vegan so it can be great for a lot of people! Check it out and see if it's one you'd like to make!
There are tons of gluten-free pumpkin cookie recipes you can find out there. A lot of them are very different from each other so it all depends on your taste for what you like. I'm the type of person that enjoys big soft cookies which is why I choose this recipe to share with you. It's easy, gluten-free, and vegan so it can be great for a lot of people! Check it out and see if it's one you'd like to make!
Recipe on Tessa Domestic Diva: Click Here!
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Rice Crispies
One thing I know a lot of people miss is Rice Crispies since the store bought brand sadly contains malt. But what the store bought brand doesn't have is pumpkin flavored Rice Crispies! That's why I thought this recipe was very unique and different since there is else really like it. It doesn't need too many ingredients and I'm pretty sure it can be made dairy free too.
Recipe on The Comfort of Cooking: Click Here!
I've always been a huge fan of all kinds of fudge. Peanut butter, chocolate, but I've never tried pumpkin! This recipe looked great to me since it needs so little ingredients and since it is dairy free as well. It's actually a lot healthier than you would think so check it out!
Recipe on Oatmeal With a Fork: Click Here!
Helpful Info:
If you have kids that are planning on going trick-or-treating or if you just want to enjoy some candy yourself, make sure you know what candy is gluten-free with this list through the link! It has all the main brand candies so always do your research first
Post on GlutenAway: Click Here!

If you aren't comfortable with buying the store bought pumpkin puree then why not try making your own? It's not hard to do at all and Cindy from Vegetarian Mama gives a very good step by step recipe to make fresh pumpkin puree yourself.
Post on Vegetarian Mama: Click Here!
How to make Homemade Pumpkin Spice
If you want to make your own pumpkin spice to use in recipes from ingredients you have in your cupboard, try this!
2 Tbsp ground cinnamon
1 Tbsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground nutmeg
½ tsp allspice
½ tsp ground cloves
Just take all the ingredients above and combine them into one mixture. That's it! Now it can be used for whatever recipe that needs it.
I hope all this was helpful to you and that you find a recipe you can enjoy. Have a Happy Halloween! :)
Thank you for posting this, I have a recipe for the pumpkin bars but not GF and I miss having them now I can make it again!!!!!
You're welcome! The pumpkin bars are by far my favorite recipe on here so I hope you like them too!